The Broom of the System

I finished reading David Foster Wallace’s The Broom of the System today (for the first time), part of my preparation to write the Person Chapter of the diss. The writing of the Hipster Chapter also continues, less apace than I’d prefer, but still. I’m reading a fantastic history of the hugely-important literary journal Kenyon Review … Continue reading The Broom of the System


In another deviation from academic matters–but not entirely–I’m now agented, and well-agented. The interesting academic angle on this development comes from a conversation I had yesterday with Matt Jockers, a professor in the English department who does technology-related stuff. We talked about the possibility of building or developing some sort of social-networking application that I … Continue reading Agented


In another deviation from academic matters–but not entirely–I’m now agented, and well-agented. The interesting academic angle on this development comes from a conversation I had yesterday with Matt Jockers, a professor in the English department who does technology-related stuff. We talked about the possibility of building or developing some sort of social-networking application that I … Continue reading Agented

Pop Apocalypse

In the wake of the acceptance of my first novel Pop Apocalypse by a publisher, I’ve spent the last few weeks scrambling to find a literary agent. I’m learning a lot about the book publishing business in short order–ironically, more than I have ever learned in any of my academic literature classes–but am reticent to … Continue reading Pop Apocalypse

Pop Apocalypse

In the wake of the acceptance of my first novel Pop Apocalypse by a publisher, I’ve spent the last few weeks scrambling to find a literary agent. I’m learning a lot about the book publishing business in short order–ironically, more than I have ever learned in any of my academic literature classes–but am reticent to … Continue reading Pop Apocalypse