Blog Posts

Return to Life

I’ve been woefully negligent as a blogger (and, I should say, as a fiction writer), too busy putting the finishing touches on my dissertation to do much else. My primary chapters are all done, and my introduction and conclusion are mostly written. Two-three more days — finishing the intro and conclusion and doing a global … Continue reading Return to Life

More on Cultural Finance

I received an interesting response to my posting on SellaBand from someone who works for a related service, Slicethepie. Turns out Slicethepie has implemented some of the ideas I mentioned in my previous post. Slicethepie “is a financing platform for the music industry that enables new and established Artists to raise money directly from Music … Continue reading More on Cultural Finance

9 99 Boycott

Imagine my surprise when I visited Amazon’s page for the Kindle edition of Pop Apocalypse and saw that it had been marked with a tag called “9 99 boycott.” I initially thought that an uprising of angry readers had for reasons inscrutable to me decided to boycott my book — what a great and unexpected … Continue reading 9 99 Boycott

Infinite Summer

For those who haven’t already heard, allow me to direct your attention to the launching post of Infinite Summer, an organized effort to read through Infinite Jest this summer, endnotes and all. The irony for me is that I’m too bogged down finishing a dissertation chapter about Wallace (and Dave Eggers) to participate. Maybe after … Continue reading Infinite Summer

Starting Summer

I’m back from a trip to Seattle and Portland where I did readings at Elliott Bay and Powell’s (on Hawthorne). These were great fun, the bookstores both awesome, and they drew my biggest crowds yet — not huge, but respectable, in the (very) low double digits. It’s kind of neat that people who’ve presumably never … Continue reading Starting Summer

Postirony, again. And DFW.

One negative consequence of publishing Pop Apocalypse is that I’ve been blogging very little about my dissertation. For four years, I pretty regularly updated my other blog, The Postironic Times, but in 2008 I closed up shop there, transferred all my postings to this site, but lost a bit of momentum in the switch. Well, … Continue reading Postirony, again. And DFW.

Palo Alto Weekly Article

My fellow Pop Apocalyptarians: Check out this article, published in the latest issue of Palo Alto Weekly, featuring yours truly. It’s quite nice, and it gives a good sense of what the book is about and what I was aiming for when I was writing it. Their photographer took a pretty cool/menacing-looking picture of me, … Continue reading Palo Alto Weekly Article

Coffee and Laptops

If you find yourself floating around a bookstore anytime soon, pick up a copy of the May issue of Zink magazine and check out the last page. There you’ll find an op-ed I wrote for the “Fresh Ink” section of the magazine. Read it to find out what I’ve been up to over the last … Continue reading Coffee and Laptops