Blog Posts

Mind Reading, Writing

The Singularity-loving transhumanist guys over at h+ magazine have an interesting article on technologies that allow people to interface with machines via thought. A brain wave study presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society shows that people with electrodes in their brains can “type” (input data into a computer) using just … Continue reading Mind Reading, Writing


I’m still working on trying to figure out how to restore my older blog postings. I think my XML export file might’ve been corrupted during export. In the worst case scenario, I’ll manually restore my old posts, though that’ll screw up the dates and mean all comments on these posts will be forever lost. On … Continue reading DFW @ MLA II

Repairs Forthcoming

I’ve managed to import my old blogger postings to WordPress, but I still can’t quite import my XML export file containing everything I’ve written since I switched to this site.  I hope to resolve this problem shortly, and restore all the shiny design elements while I’m at it. Continue reading Repairs Forthcoming

io9 on PA

Lauren Davis over at io9 has written one of the most perceptive reviews of Pop Apocalypse I’ve seen yet out there in the mediasphere. Davis concludes: Pop Apocalypse is a genuinely frightening book, not for its apocalyptic prophesies, but for its peek five minutes into the future. It’s suggestion that photo-tagging software could someday turn … Continue reading io9 on PA

Listmania vs. Lake Woebegone

X-posted at Plasma Pool. There is an interesting emerging conversation about The Millions‘ recently published “Best [Books] of the Millennium” list on a number of blogs I follow. First, Edmond Caldwell over at Contra James Wood questions the whole premise of list-making, associating such lists with the predominantly corporate character of the imprints represented on … Continue reading Listmania vs. Lake Woebegone

Dissertation abstract

I’ve been frantically copyediting my dissertation in anticipation of filing this coming Wednesday. One thing I’ve finally settled is the wording of my abstract, which took way longer than it should have. For those who’re interested, here’s the final text I’ve come reluctantly to accept: “Wipe That Smirk off Your Face” examines a contemporary ethos … Continue reading Dissertation abstract