Blog Posts

… And a Coffee Shop, Too!

I am now officially in paradise. No, really. I’m in London. It’s damp, darkish, cold, over-crowded, great. I’ve gotten myself a mobile phone. I’m now a card-carrying reader at the British Library. The place is massive and very very cool–and has a coffee shop built right into it. I may never leave. My accomodations at … Continue reading … And a Coffee Shop, Too!

The Sex Lives of Peafowl

Haven’t posted much of anything here the last couple days. After leaving Iceland, we stopped over in London, then hopped over to the Czech Republic where we’ve been the last few days. You can read about my original trip to Hradec Kralove in last year’s blog entries. Not much new or different has happened since … Continue reading The Sex Lives of Peafowl

Travel Blogging

A note to my loyal readers–all two of you–I am not going to be posting much in this space this summer because I’ll be doing all my blogging on kitteneater. I’m saving this space for deep and heavy ruminations on the nature of post-irony and for more academic matters. And have no doubt, I’ve had … Continue reading Travel Blogging

After Orals

Now that my orals are successfully over, and summer shenanigans are on my local horizon, I can begin properly to post stuff on this site. So first a word on my orals. They went, somehow, far better than I had anticipated they would go. This wasn’t because I thought I would screw up or anything, … Continue reading After Orals


My orals are tomorrow, Wednesday, at 3:30 pacific time. Oboy, oboy. I haven’t been able to bring myself to feel nervous about it yet, but I feel the change coming on. Ugh. Continue reading Orals

Which Counterculture?

I’ve been wondering what exactly I meant when I wrote that the current stock of post-ironic art wants to think beyond the “negative critical methods of the counterculture.” I know what I meant to write, but after a conversation I had today with a friend of mine, I’m not quite sure anymore. Specifically, I wonder … Continue reading Which Counterculture?

What This Blog is All About

Me, of course. But also, more specifically, the work that I’ll be doing over the next two-three years on my dissertation. I think it’ll be a productive exercise to work through my thinking-process on this blog, to put my ideas out on a provisional basis, and to build a community of readers who might even … Continue reading What This Blog is All About