Blog Posts

The Jakartan Glow

The hotel we’re staying at is quite fantastic–full-service-type, gym, spa, hair salon, “mini-mall,” excellent service, etc.  All our meals are taken care of.  For dinner, we were taken to a gigantic sea food restaurant, packed with people, more than a thousand, maybe two.  You pick your own food from the tanks and tell the chefs … Continue reading The Jakartan Glow

Lufthansa 788

For the first time, I’ve flown over the Equator.  I’m in Jakarta, Indonesia, staying at the Kristal Hotel.  This place is pretty posh and has a fast internet connection.  The representatives of the Raffles International Christian school who are hosting the EPGY camp here seem extremely friendly and excited to have us here; their school … Continue reading Lufthansa 788

Singapore Idol

At the request of my adoring public, I’m posting my first entry from Singapore. Unlike other places I’ve travelled to, and written about in this blog, I am in Singapore with a very specific work assignment: teaching creative writing for Stanford’s Educational Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY), for two weeks here and then for two … Continue reading Singapore Idol

Singapore! Jakarta!

Greetings and salutations kittenfollowers; your fearless leader has returned from a long journey into the groves of academe. I won’t bore you with the details, but the upshot of the last few years is that I’ve written a chapter of my dissertation (on trendspotting/coolhunting) and I’m going to be going to Singapore and Jakarta (see: … Continue reading Singapore! Jakarta!

All Hail the Great Google

Howdy from dissertation-land, folks. Life is going along quite merrily. I’m writing a draft of my introduction and my trendspotting chapter–both are going well, I think–and I’m doing a bunch of other non-academic things: watching TV (since you’re curious: Battlestar Galactica, 24, Heroes, I Love New York); revising the draft of my novel and trying … Continue reading All Hail the Great Google

Reflections on MLA ’06

I haven’t yet had a chance to write an account of the “Postirony in Theory and Fiction” special session I co-organized for MLA ’06. Since I know you’re all very busy people, I’ll be brief: the special session was very successful. The papers, all of which had very different takes on postirony, were quite interesting. … Continue reading Reflections on MLA ’06