Blog Posts

On the Creative Class

James Hannaham has written an amusing short review of Richard Florida’s latest entry in the Creative Class Franchise he launched back in 2002 with his Rise of the Creative Class, a book that at least made a gesture, however weak, toward sociological rigor. His latest salvo in this assault of shallow lifestyle sociology is called … Continue reading On the Creative Class

McCain the Ironist

Neal Gabler has written an interesting analysis of the McCain campaign for the NYT: Seeming to view himself and the whole political process with a mix of amusement and bemusement, Mr. McCain is an ironist wooing a group of individuals [journalists] who regard ironic detachment more highly than sincerity or seriousness. He may be the … Continue reading McCain the Ironist

McCain the Ironist

Neal Gabler has written an interesting analysis of the McCain campaign for the NYT: Seeming to view himself and the whole political process with a mix of amusement and bemusement, Mr. McCain is an ironist wooing a group of individuals [journalists] who regard ironic detachment more highly than sincerity or seriousness. He may be the … Continue reading McCain the Ironist

Cognitive Science and Irony

I usually hate these sorts of thing, but the Stanford Humanities Center had a great conference on Friday on cognitive science and literature. I unfortunately could only attend the morning session on irony, which featured Herb Clark (Psychology, Stanford), Joshua Landy (French, Stanford), and Elaine Scarry (English, Harvard) and was chaired by Lanier Anderson (Philosophy, … Continue reading Cognitive Science and Irony

Cognitive Science and Irony

I usually hate these sorts of thing, but the Stanford Humanities Center had a great conference on Friday on cognitive science and literature. I unfortunately could only attend the morning session on irony, which featured Herb Clark (Psychology, Stanford), Joshua Landy (French, Stanford), and Elaine Scarry (English, Harvard) and was chaired by Lanier Anderson (Philosophy, … Continue reading Cognitive Science and Irony

ALA William Gibson Panel

Some dissertation-related news. I’m going to be on a panel dedicated to William Gibson at this year’s ALA conference. My paper, based on the trendspotter chapter of my dissertation, is on Pattern Recognition. Title: The Brand as Cognitive Map in William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition This paper analyzes the figure of the coolhunter in William Gibson’s … Continue reading ALA William Gibson Panel

ALA William Gibson Panel

Some dissertation-related news. I’m going to be on a panel dedicated to William Gibson at this year’s ALA conference. My paper, based on the trendspotter chapter of my dissertation, is on Pattern Recognition. Title: The Brand as Cognitive Map in William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition This paper analyzes the figure of the coolhunter in William Gibson’s … Continue reading ALA William Gibson Panel

Granta v. McSweeney’s

I received a link to this Times article today. A few interesting quotes: The McSweeney’s author is not above playing language games or creating work that is aware of its artificiality, although he is also careful not to let this playfulness detract from the work’s emotional impact. There is by no means a house style, … Continue reading Granta v. McSweeney’s