Blog Posts

These Weird Guys

One of my PWR students wrote his final paper on the McDonald’s Video Game, a satirical simulation that lets you try your hand at running everyone’s favorite multinational corporate fast food giant. I decided to check it out, and was reading through the game’s tutorial. The game lets you operate four sectors/views of McDonald’s food … Continue reading These Weird Guys

A New Car!

if:book, a blog associated with The Institute for the Future of the Book, has published a lengthy and fascinating interview with Helen DeWitt. I found this suggestion by DeWitt somewhat amusing: I once knew a senior partner in a Wall Street firm who loved Susan Sontag’s The Volcano Lover. He talked at length about the … Continue reading A New Car!

DeLillotastic News

As if I didn’t have enough to do, between job applications, teaching, various forms of blogging, and occasionally dissertation-writing (let’s not even discuss new-novel writing), I decided to shoot off an abstract applying to participate in the American Comparative Literature Association’s 2009 annual meeting. Specifically to a fascinating-sounding seminar called “Master of the Universe: Literature, … Continue reading DeLillotastic News