Blog Posts

Book Club Offer (10×10)

In the interest of getting word about Pop Apocalypse out to the general public, and of meeting people with excellent taste in literature, I’ve decided to make a special offer to my readers. Here’s the deal. If you are part of a book club and are interested in reading Pop Apocalypse, I would love to … Continue reading Book Club Offer (10×10)

Get with the program, people

Check it out: An interview I conducted with UCLA English Professor Mark McGurl has just been released in this month’s Believer magazine. The original interview was fairly far-reaching and lively, but has here been shortened to a still-lively-even-if-slightly-less-far-reaching “micro-interview,” spread through the May issue. When you’re done reading the interview, do also check out Mark’s … Continue reading Get with the program, people

The End of the Beginning

I feel the urge to comment here today, the release-date of Pop Apocalypse, but I don’t have anything particularly original to say about the release of the novel. Obviously enough, I’m super-excited that the book is getting out there into the world, but I also feel pretty powerless to do anything to shape its reception. … Continue reading The End of the Beginning


I had a great weekend at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. As promised, and thanks in large part to the expert moderation skills of Jim Ruland, my panel, “The Post-Modern World,” had almost nothing to do with postmodernism and everything to do with the End of the World. Which, I should mention, is … Continue reading Post-Pre-Swinocalypse

T-Minus One Week

With a little more than a week to go before POP APOCALYPSE is released into the world, I was pleased to read this thoughtful review of the novel by British science fiction writer Adam Roberts.  Adam writes:There’s a good deal of rattle and a certain amount of hum in this novel; rattle in the hailstorm … Continue reading T-Minus One Week

First Review of Pop Apocalypse

I received a note from my editor today informing me that Publishers Weekly has released its review of Pop Apocalypse.  The verdict?  Quite nice: This playful and witty novel takes our celebrity-obsessed and media-hijacked culture, mixes in geopolitics and a dash of cyberpunk dystopia to create an intelligent and blistering what-if.Intelligent and blistering were definitely … Continue reading First Review of Pop Apocalypse