A couple days ago I saw both. The first at a cemetary near Hampstead Heath, a giant bronze statue of Marx’s head on his grave site, which if life-sized would have made Marx 30 feet tall. The second at a theater above a pub in the same neighborhood. Granted, in the play I saw, said member was only alluded to; it was said to be small. The play itself was sort of small, metaphorically speaking. Anyway, I just wanted to share that tid-bit.
Also wanted to share that, thanks to Iceland Air’s shady transfer policies, I am presently a prisoner in Europe for much of the month of September. I had originally planned to return to the East Coast on or around Sept 1. All I had to do was transfer my ticket from its original Sept. 20 arrival date to Sept. 1. Right on. So, naturally, I procrastinate and only get around to the Iceland Air office on Tottenham Court Road yesterday afteroon. I am informed by a very polite Icelandic girl working there that I would have to pay something close to £580 if I wanted to transfer my ticket to Sept 2. Something close to £260 if I wanted to transfer it to Sept 12. One word: Ugh. So I either have to find some other way back to the US or have to find some cheap way to live in Europe for an additional 20 days. Perhaps I can try my hand at living like a Tramp in the Paris Metro.
In yet other news, I have, with the help of certain not-to-be-named friends of mine, found a way around the firewall of a-certain-also-nameless Library where I have been working. This means, instead of paying £30 a month for access to their wireless, I am effectively getting through for free. Is this an unethical thing for me to be doing? Discuss amongst yourselves.